City of Lansing by its Board of Water and Light in Violation of FAC-008-3 R6 Awarded a $40,000 Penalty
Duke Energy Renewables Services, LLC (DERS) Noncompliant with FAC-008-5 R6 Resulting in a Civil Penalty of $150,000
FERC Issued Civil Penalty of $10,919,457 and Disgorgement of $7,080,543 to Voltus, Inc., and a Penalty of $1,000,000 to Gregg Dixon
FERC Levies a Civil Penalty of $722,000 and a Disgorgement of $259,669 for Capacity Market Tariff Violation
FERC Assessed a Civil Penalty of $105,000, and disgorgement of $674,064 to PJM Against Montpelier Generating Station, LLC, and Rockland Capital
Certrec’s Causal Evaluation and Inspection Preparation Services Save Nuclear Industry Time and Help Avoid Penalties [Click to view details]