
Expert View

Strategies to Prepare for a Successful NERC Audit - Reliability

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Streamline Fatigue Rule Management & Shift Callouts in the Nuclear Industry

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Certrec Market Research

June Poll Insights

Last month, we asked our audience What element slows neutrons in reactors? Overall, the most voted for answer was Heavy Water at 82 percent of the vote. Sodium Liquid received the second most votes at 11 percent and Carbon Dioxide the third most votes at eight percent. Finally, Helium Gas received the least amount of votes at zero percent.

The correct answer is Heavy water. Heavy water (D2O) is used as a moderator in some reactors because it slows down neutrons effectively and also has a low probability of absorption of neutrons.

For more market research polls, visit: https://www.linkedin.com/company/certrec-corporation/

Industry Updates

NERC standard EOP-012-2 would increase requirements for generators during cold weather events, introducing new definitions, clarifications and requirements……
In 2023, 94 quadrillion British thermal units (quads) was consumed in the United States, a 1% decrease from 2022, according…
The FBI’s recommendations to protect renewable resources from hackers are general best practices and should be paired with emerging security…
The amount of offshore wind generating capacity that is under construction or planned in the United States is in flux…

Certrec News

Certrec Attends USA Executive Summit

Industry Gathering – On June 25-28, 2024, Certrec attended the Utilities Service Alliance’s Executive Summit. Nearly 450 attendees and guests came together for a variety of fascinating presentations and helpful information, with significant emphasis on the understanding and proper use of artificial intelligence for enhancing plant and human performance. 
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Certrec White Papers

NERC – In the world of power system management, reactive power and voltage control are not merely technical terms but pivotal elements that maintain the stability and efficiency of the entire electrical grid. Our white paper delves into the operational essentials and strategic significance of VAR-002, offering an in-depth analysis of its requirements and the challenges of compliance.
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NERC – The North American Electric Reliability Corporation has introduced new rules requiring many previously unregistered inverter-based resources to register with NERC for the first time. Is your utility prepared to meet these new regulatory challenges? Read our infoguide to prepare for these upcoming regulatory changes.
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Upcoming Industry Events

  • The Energy Expo
    August 21-22 — Miami, FL, at the MACC Convention Center
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  • RE+
    September 9-12 — Anaheim, CA, at the Anaheim Convention Center
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  • NEI Nuclear Energy Assembly
    September 10-12 — Philadelphia, PA, at the Lowes Philadelphia Hotel
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  • The Battery Show
    October 7-10 — Detroit, MI, at the Huntington Place
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