City of Lansing by its Board of Water and Light in Violation of FAC-008-3 R6 Awarded a $40,000 Penalty

Summary of NERC Penalties








City of Lansing

Quarter 2 - March 2025

City of Lansing Board of Water and Light

FAC-008-3 R6

Failure to establish Facility Ratings consistent with its Facility Ratings Methodology (FRM)

The entity’s Facility Ratings Methodology used an unsupported emergency operating temperature of 160°C instead of 100°C due to a software issue. The entity had to revise its FRM and remediate incorrect Facility Ratings for the Enterprise-Wise and Northeast-Willow transmission lines.



ReliabilityFirst identified as part of a Compliance Audit that the City of Lansing Board of Water and Light, as a Transmission Owner, was in violation of FAC-008-3 R6. ReliabilityFirst subsequently determined that the violation dated back to FAC-009-1 R1. This violation involves the entity’s failure to establish Facility Ratings consistent with its Facility Ratings Methodology (FRM). The entity’s FRM provided that, for emergency ratings, all transmission lines, including any vertical clearance thereof, should be capable of safely operating at 160C. However, the entity only had evidence to support design to a safe operating temperature of 100C, despite basing its emergency ratings off an operating temperature of 160C. The cause of the discrepancy was a software issue. As part of mitigation, the entity changed its FRM (a) to determine normal and emergency ratings based on a safe operating temperature of 100C and (b) to more clearly account for sag limited ratings based on the minimum allowable clearance to ground or other objects as dictated by the National Electric Safety Code (NESC). Following the changes, the entity was required to remediate thermal rating inconsistencies based on vertical clearance limits for two transmission lines: the Enterprise-Wise line and the Northeast-Willow line. The Enterprise-Wise Transmission Line remained noncompliant with the entity’s methodology for both emergency and normal ratings even after adjusting to a safe operating temperature of 100C and considering the NESC. Therefore, the entity performed fieldwork to assign the line a higher sag limited rating than its interim rating. The average percent derate required was 39%. The Northeast-Willow Transmission Line remained noncompliant with the entity’s methodology for both emergency and normal ratings even after adjusting to a safe operating temperature of 100C and considering the NESC. Therefore, the entity performed fieldwork to assign the line a higher sag limited rating than its interim rating. The average percent derate required was 83%. The violation began on June 30, 2011, when the entity registered as a TO and was required to comply with FAC-009-1, and ended on March 8, 2024, when the entity updated its FRM and completed the necessary fieldwork to remediate the incorrect Facility Rating for the Enterprise-Wise line.

Additional Discussion:


The root cause of this violation is multifaceted. First, as to the original audit finding (i.e., the incorrect software setting), the entity failed to implement adequate verification controls. Second, as to the derates required to remediate the thermal violations, the entity’s procedures did not sufficiently account for the particular attributes of field conditions around the Northeast-Willow and Enterprise-Wise lines.


ReliabilityFirst considered the entity’s compliance history and determined there were no relevant instances of noncompliance.

ReliabilityFirst recognizes that the cooperation of Registered Entities is vital to maintaining and strengthening the reliability of the BPS. Throughout the lifecycle of this noncompliance, the entity was cooperative and responsive. As such, cooperating credit is being awarded to the entity. The entity was awarded a civil penalty in the amount of $40,000.

About Certrec:
Certrec is a leading provider of regulatory compliance solutions for the energy industry with the mission of helping ensure a stable, reliable, bulk electric supply. Since 1988, Certrec’s SaaS applications and consulting expertise have helped hundreds of power-generating facilities manage their regulatory compliance and reduce their risks.

Certrec’s engineers and business teams bring a cumulative 1,500 years of working experience in regulatory areas of compliance, engineering, and operations, including nuclear, fossil, solar, wind facilities, and other Registered Entities generation and transmission.

Certrec has helped more than 200 generating facilities establish and maintain NERC Compliance Programs. We manage the entire NERC compliance program for 80+ registered entities in the US, Canada, and Mexico that trust us to decrease their regulatory and reputational risk. Certrec is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified and has successfully completed annual SOC 2 Type 2 examinations.

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