FERC Orders Ampersand Cranberry Lake Hydro, LLC, to Pay a $600,000 Civil Penalty

Summary of NERC Penalties








Quarter 1


Ampersand Cranberry Lake Hydro, LLC

Failing to retain possession of all property for the Cranberry Lake Project located in St. Lawrence County, New York, covered by the license

Violating of hydroelectric license


FERC has ordered Ampersand Cranberry Lake Hydro, LLC, to pay a $600,000 civil penalty for violating its hydroelectric license by failing to retain possession of all property for the Cranberry Lake Project located in St. Lawrence County, New York, covered by the license. The conduct underlying this violation is interrelated with known dam safety repairs that Ampersand Cranberry Lake has failed to complete.

The dam has a high hazard potential rating, which means that a failure of the project works would result in a probable loss of human life or economic or environmental losses. FERC requires licensees to maintain possession of property rights for their hydroelectric projects to ensure proper operation and maintenance of the projects and to ensure the licensees can address dam safety issues. Licensees of FERC-jurisdictional hydroelectric projects must comply with all safety requirements of their licenses, as public safety is a top priority at these facilities.

About Certrec:
Certrec is a leading provider of regulatory compliance solutions for the energy industry with the mission of helping ensure a stable, reliable, bulk electric supply. Since 1988, Certrec’s SaaS applications and consulting expertise have helped hundreds of power-generating facilities manage their regulatory compliance and reduce their risks.

Certrec’s engineers and business teams bring a cumulative 1,500 years of working experience in regulatory areas of compliance, engineering, and operations, including nuclear, fossil, solar, wind facilities, and other Registered Entities generation and transmission.

Certrec has helped more than 200 generating facilities establish and maintain NERC Compliance Programs. We manage the entire NERC compliance program for 80+ registered entities in the US, Canada, and Mexico that trust us to decrease their regulatory and reputational risk. Certrec is ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certified and has successfully completed annual SOC 2 Type 2 examinations.

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